The Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF)’s 40th anniversary award programme

Japanese Click here

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary year of the ACPF,

we welcome many people to participate in the ACPF prized papers program.

Please refer to the below instructions for further information.

We hope many ACPF friends to join the programme.

Paper Submission Guidelines for the 40th Anniversary Award of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation



Language and Theme

Papers must be submitted in either Japanese or English. Please choose one of the following themes:

(1) The role of the public (citizens including young people and the business sector) in international cooperation in the field of crime prevention

(2) Measures to promote public-private partnership (including young people and the business sector) in the prevention of recidivism


Awards and Prizes

Winning papers will be selected in Japanese or English with certificates and prizes for each of the following awards:

(1) Grand Prize (1 person)

 Asia Crime Prevention Foundation Grand Prize Award: Certificate and Prize Money 300,000 JPY

(2) Second Place (up to 2 persons)

 Asia Crime Prevention Foundation Second Place Award: Certificate of Merit and Prize Money 150,000 JPY

(3) Honorable Mention (up to three persons)

Honorable Mention Prizes will be awarded to up to three authors whose papers present notable perspectives and/or demonstrate that the author has a promising future.

 Asia Crime Prevention Foundation Honorable Mention Prize: Certificate and Prize Money 100,000 JPY


【Purpose of solicitation of papers】

Since its establishment in 1982, the ACPF has continuously contributed to the criminal justice field through supporting UNAFEI (the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders).

The ACPF obtained General Consultative Status to the United Nations in 2000, and participated in Kyoto Crime Congress in 2021  (The 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice).

The ACPF contribution is available here and Facebook.

In 2022, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our founding.


Therefore, in order to reaffirm the significance of the ACPF and to further revitalize its activities in the future, we will widely solicit papers in Japanese or English, and honor outstanding papers by awarding cash prizes.

See the ACPF activities.



 There are no restrictions.


【Deadline for submission】

Friday July 29, 2022


【Announcement of winners etc】

The prize winners (including honorable mention) will be announced on the ACPF Website of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation. The winning papers will be published in full on the ACPF Website. In exchange for acceptance of the prize money, each prize winner agrees to grant the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the winner’s copyrighted work related to this contest.



please check  [Application Guidelines]




ACPF創設40周年記念 懸賞論文募集!(Q&A追加)

English Click here

ACPF創設40周年記念 懸賞論文








「懸賞論文応募要領 Q&A」




Ⅰ 犯罪防止分野の国際協力で市民(若者や企業を含む)が果たす役割

Ⅱ 再犯防止において官民協働(若者や企業を含む)の促進を図る方策


【 賞・賞金 】


(1)優秀賞(1名)     賞状及び賞金30万円

(2)佳 作(2名以内)  1名につき 賞状及び賞金15万円


1名につき 賞状及び賞金10万円



当財団(Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, ACPF)は、1982年の設立以来、「犯罪なき繁栄」のスローガンの下、



















【論文の提出期限 及び 論文の審査】

  提出期限 令和4年(2022年)7月29日(金)必着

  最終審査 令和4年(2022年)9月下旬ころ



(1) 受賞者の発表は、当財団(ACPF) Website上にて行います。

(2) 受賞者の論文は、ACPF websiteに全文掲載するほか、関係団体の機関誌等に掲載をお願いする予定です。

